This North Carolina Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project uses community gardening to: empower communities to produce food for families, deliver hands-on nutrition education, create opportunities for youth to develop agri-related business skills, build leadership among community members, and provide engaging activities for family members of all ages to work together for a common purpose.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lewiston Community Garden Early Spring Planting

Residents of the Lewiston community came out last Saturday (March 12th) to sign up for garden plots at the Lewiston Community Garden on Thompson Drive. Gardeners will grow food for themselves and their families, for donation to those in need and/or possibly to sell at roadside stands or the new market to be built this summer in Windsor. There are currently twenty-one 20’ by 25’ plots in the garden. Several garden plots are already reserved by families, but plenty are still available and there is room for garden expansion.

Those with new plots include Martha Thompson, the ex-Mayor of the Town of Lewiston-Woodville. Another plot owner is Shildia Bond, a USDA employee who works at the Perdue Lewiston Plant. Clarence Bond (Shildia's husband) owns the land and donated it last year for the use as the Lewiston Community Garden. The garden coordinator, James Peele, will maintain one of the plots as a demonstration plot and the food will be donated to the local food pantry at the Bertie County Family Resource Center.

To obtain a plot in the garden, contact the garden coordinator, James Peele (see Contact Us).

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